
NAB 2023: AJA's Bryce Button Talks OpenGear Dante Integration and Bridge Live

一项重要声明 AJA系统 在NAB 2023上,但丁AV 4K首次亮相, a $2,495 device that delivers 12G-SDI and HDMI conversion to and from Dante AV IP video/audio networks. AJA has been partnering with Dante for a couple of years now, dating back to the release of the openGear Dante-12GAM嵌入/拆嵌入卡; the AV 4K itself leverages leverages the 但丁AV Ultra solution that integrates networked video with the Dante audio-over-IP platform on 1 GigE IP Networks. 

流媒体特约编辑 肖恩林 of SLVLive caught up with AJA Director of Product Marketing Bryce Button at the AJA booth at NAB to discuss Dante integration and more.

“为什么但丁?林问道。. “但丁不是一个音频协议吗??"

巴顿回答道:“我们已经和奥迪合作一段时间了. "We were aware that they had a dream to be able to marry video to audio and have as little latency as possible, 特别是现场表演等等. 所以就他们的协议和他们整合系统的方式而言, they're making it very easy for everyone because you've got an entire industry that's been working with Dante Controller, which is almost a spreadsheet-like way of routing one audio channel to another for source destination. 现在包括了OTT视频. 所以说到视频的选择, 他们主要有两种口味:"奥特拉", 也就是我们使用的JPEG2000,他们也有H, 哪个是他们的H/264. 我们一直都有客户做非常高端的作品, whether it's Madonna tours or Rammstein coming up this summer And the key advantage here is you've got cinema-quality video via JPEG2000. It can be compressed, but you're not losing actual video in terms of perception. 这可以通过1gige的流来完成, which is also very appealing because the the higher end of video over IP tends to be the SMPTE2110 stuff that's uncompressed."


Button用未压缩的视频解释了这一点, 自然, “你需要很多硬件, 你需要很大的带宽. So this can work for most people, including churches and all sorts of scenarios. And the really key thing is that church environments are no different from tours at this point. 你总是有乐队在表演, 这是生活, 当事情不同步时,人们真的很敏锐. 和舞台上的歌手一起, 如果你离得够近,抬头看他们身后的大屏幕, 你希望所有这些都是同步的. 这个平台给了我们这种能力. "
考虑到这些带宽需求的程度, 林问, "How many streams can you you utilize before you saturate that one gig network?"
"The great thing is you can actually adjust the compression anyway," Button replies. “我们给你这样做的能力. It basically goes from peanuts to 700, which some people want for the 4K signals. 如果你在做高清,你可能会放低一些. 所以会有一点变化. 在延迟方面, 这真的很关键, 因为有一些其他的格式, 延迟非常适合编辑. 但在现实世界中, 你要的越少越好, 我们基本上可以让但丁AV的子帧计时发生. 所以这是从源头到目的地的关键, and we think there's going to be a lot of interest and uptake here because you've just got that perfect combination of really good imagery and really important video audio sync in these live environments. 你可以用1gige的交换机. 如果你要做很多4K 60p的东西, 很有可能我们会把交换机换成10g. 而那些更大的环境当然有这样的预算. 不太贵. But you've got the flexibility here and then the majority of people are going to be just fine with one gig." 


“从硬件的角度来看,林问道。, 就你推向市场的实际产品而言, 你有了发射器和接收器. So for every send you need one transmitter and then you need a receiver to match each transmitter. 对吗??" 
“没错,”巴顿说. “在企业内部,你可以进行传播, receive; you can do what they call 'TR,这是一个收发器. 如果你做一个收发器, it's harder to figure out your bandwidth realities because you could be going in two directions at the same time. 其次,它会花费你更多的钱去执行它. And we also understood in terms of speaking to people, they're going to require a different balance. 假设只有三个摄像头. 你可能会买三个发射机, 但当涉及到设施周围的显示器数量时, 可能有10个这样的人. 在这种情况下,你需要更多的接球者. 所以你有能力混搭. 它可以让我们给你一个非常好的价格点,2495美元. 所以你可以把钱花在你真正想花的地方. “与其他议定书合作

尽管目前关注的是但丁, AJA继续支持其他协议和工作流, 比如NDI. 
巴顿说:“我们致力于这一切. “我们为零售市场生产产品. 我们为OEM市场生产产品. 我们在瑞士. 我们从来没有真正试图偏袒一个群体. We're much more interested in what benefits the entire industry and people are going to have different demands, 不同的用例. 所以我们的理念是为每个人尽我们所能. So when it comes to video over IP in general, that means we're a founding member of 目标. For the high-end broadcast stuff--that uncompressed video--especially for very expensive sports events, 超级碗, 诸如此类, 我们需要做好准备. NDI做得很好, 几乎是以游击的方式, 接管了大量低端到中端IP视频需求. 它很适合运输后期制作的东西,各种各样的东西."
Button指向AJA开发的一系列利用NDI的产品. “我们有像这里展示的Bridge Live这样的东西,他说, "and in fact we've got a new codec that we announced for that which is JPEG XS. So within a box like that now you can literally transcode between MPEG-2, MPEG-4, HEVC, NDI. 很明显你可以得到两个SDI信号进出 JPEG XS. 如果你一直在关注目标的工作, 他们有广播公司现在使用的未压缩版本, but it's more than likely that JPEG XS is going to be the codec that is utilized for the AV business. We're figuring out what it takes to do these different types of transcodes and working with a great partner there like Comprimato 谁做了这么多年,我们和我们的用户都受益了. The bottom line is, we will partner with anyone that really is interested in helping end users. 这是我们驾驶自己的方式."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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一种学校常用的流媒体技术, 会议中心, 和礼拜堂是但丁(通过以太网的数字音频网络). A Dante-enabled device can be plugged into a Dante network using a standard Category 5e or Category 6 network cable; the network connects devices using either 100Mbps or gigabit network switches, 通常具有以太网供电(PoE)功能.
