


挑战在于 快速的广告 is how to serve appropriate ads when limited first-party data about the consumer is available. 上下文广告 能否提供目标定位 未追踪FAST观众 添加一个场景一个场景的细节,确切地说,是什么观众正在观看.

“如果你是发行商,你就没有任何信息. Hence, they struggle with the fill rate and CPMs,” says Raghu Kodige, founder and CEO at Anoki这是一家专门从事人工智能背景CTV广告的公司. “任何拥有更多数据的人都能够填补并收取更多费用. 这是你通常会从三星和Roku的世界听到的, 有时谁的需求大于供给, 因为他们有数据.”


“The early versions of contextual in video was taking the audio [from video] and converting it into text, 然后在文本中寻找关键字,Kodige说. Now they do multimodal analysis of the content, audio, video, and closed captioning. “我们生成元数据,说明我们如何描述特定场景. There can be multiple outputs from that: not just ‘this is a bar scene’ but ‘this is a bar scene set in Boston.也可能是海滩的场景, 元数据说, 这是一对夫妇坐在一起的海滩场景.“这会产生很多数据. We store that in embeddings [how AI companies store vast amounts of data] so that you can stitch that back together depending on what the query is.”

“As content is being streamed to the end user, we can generate additional metadata. Then going into an ad break, we can look up, ‘What was the scene that the user just saw?,并利用这些额外的信息, 无论是投标请求还是私人市场,Kodige说. 这种场景级数据创造了更有针对性和更有价值的CPM.

This newer technology is also 非常有吸引力 for agencies because it allows them to place ads in the right context and be also privacy-safe. “你没有收集任何关于用户的信息. So, 当我们进入这个没有饼干的地方, 更加以隐私为中心的世界, 这个解决方案变得非常, 非常有吸引力,他说.


Anoki宣布 与Amagi合作 八月初. Anoki的 ContextIQ platform generates contextual scene-level metadata on select content served by Amagi using multi-model generative AI that goes much beyond genres and text analysis. 这确保了高度相关的广告位置.

FAST广告领域的cpm会因内容质量而波动, 受众人口统计, 广告格式, 和竞争,詹姆斯·史密斯说。, 执行副总裁 & GM, ADS + at Amagi. “一般, CPMs tend to be higher than traditional linear TV due to the targeted nature of 快速的广告 and the premium audience it attracts. 我们已经观察到cpm稳步上升的趋势 FAST生态系统成熟. The promise of CTV was always based on the opportunity to reach the most qualified audiences for your ads,他解释道. “广告商越来越多地利用颗粒数据来接触特定的受众, 提高活动成效.”

“我们开始做自己的应用, 但一旦我们有了服务上的数据, (我们意识到)同样的渠道也会被分发到其他平台,Kodige说. “所以我们开始与Amagi等内容合作伙伴和平台合作, 我们可以在哪里添加上下文数据.”


以前只有硬件公司(Roku、三星、LG、Vizio等).)可以使用 自动内容识别 对线性观看做更好的广告匹配定位. “ACR仅适用于制造商, and that's why all the content partners struggle with targeting because they don't have access to that,Kodige说. “如果你是提供内容的广播公司或工作室,你就没有访问权限.”

They also work directly with content partners to allow their sales team to sell their share of inventory. “It doesn't have to be only through Amagi; it could be a partner that is coming in through different system, 比如Frequency或者其他供应商,Kodige说.

虽然将内容与广告相匹配似乎是一个常见的用例, 他们还可以将广告与内容相匹配. “Someone can upload one of their creatives and then we can analyze the creative and come back with, “这些都是非常适合这种创意的场景,’”Kodige说.

情境广告的CPM水平还能提高多少? Kodige说道:“我认为CPM能够提升8至10美元. They have started offering this in the US and are expanding to Australia and Western Europe later this year. This kind of contextual targeting has the ability to raise the bar on ad inventory targeting and prices, 这正是这个行业所需要的.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

CTV Ad Strategists and Adtech Pros Talk Making Streaming Ads Perform at 流媒体连接2024

周二, 8月20日, 2024, 在流媒体连接, 艾伦Wolk, 业内最有影响力的思想领袖之一, 主持了一个面对当前挑战的小组讨论, 有人会说, failures) to reliably deliver the right ads to viewers and measurable results to brands and discussed innovative technologies and strategies to make streaming ads perform. 小组成员包括Estrella MediaCo的Christina Chung, Vevo的Julie Triolo, C.J. Mad Leo咨询公司的Leonard和Advertiser Perceptions的Erin Firneno.

流媒体 Connect Sneak Preview: Over the Hedge - Monetizing CTV and FAST Channels With Samsung, Roku, TVREV, 和IAB技术实验室

周三, 8月21日, adtech expert Tim Ware will moderate the panel "Over the Hedge: Monetizing CTV and FAST Channels as Walled Gardens Proliferate." The emergence of the smart TV OEM has created increasing opportunities for platform distributors and challenges for content providers as distributors grab greater percentages of inventory and revenue splits to generate greater revenue upside to selling the hardware. How do programmers contend with the high costs of programming that require ad support among the next generation of walled gardens in smart TV OEMs? A panel of industry experts from Samsung, Roku, TVREV, and IAB will discuss these issues in-depth.

流媒体 Connect Sneak Preview: Ad Counsel - Delivering Streaming Ads That Convert, Estrella Media, Vevo, TVREV, 倡议, 与广告主的认知

周二, 8月20日, 在流媒体连接, 艾伦Wolk, 联合创始人/首席分析师, TVREV, 将主持“广告顾问:投放转化流媒体广告?,面对当前的挑战(或, 有人会说, failures) to reliably deliver the right ads to viewers and measurable results to brands and discusses innovative technologies and strategies to make streaming ads perform. Confirmed panelists include Christina Chung of Estrella Media, Julie Triolo of Vevo, C.J. Infinitive的Leonard和Advertiser Perceptions的Erin Firneno.


Given that traditional media measurement companies have always underrepresented diverse audiences, minority-owned content companies targeting multicultural audiences face unique challenges in tracking those audiences and leveraging the data to monetize their channels, 担任阳狮传媒文化投资执行副总裁 & Innovation Stephen Paez explains in this candid discussion with media universe cartographer Evan Shapiro at 纽约流媒体.


免费的风景, Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) channels has significantly shifted in the last 12 months. 曾经由小众内容提供商主导, the market has witnessed a surge in activity from major studios and broadcasters. 优质节目的涌入使竞争达到了一个新的水平, 迫使FAST频道调整和优化他们的产品以维持运营.


在数字广告的时间轴上,电视正在一个有趣的时刻被数字化. 就像广告商能够在大屏幕上瞄准受众一样, 他们最喜欢的方法——第三方cookie——正在消失. 这很不方便, 还有大卫·纳菲斯, CTV在Kargo的总经理, argues that it's also a catalyst to force advertisers to test and perfect other targeting methodologies on CTV. 其中最有希望的是上下文定位.


广告购买正在改变. 例如, now you can buy from an agency that has deep knowledge of data around local viewing, or you can go to a TV manufacturer that has deep knowledge of all of the viewing on its hardware.


对于本专栏, 我和拉里·艾伦谈过, 康卡斯特广告公司副总裁兼数据和可寻址实现总经理, about a question that lands firmly on the deterministic side: "What is addressable advertising?" The term "addressable" refers to targeting digital and broadcast inventory and being able to buy audience segments on a household level.