

了解更多关于微服务的信息,请参见 流媒体东部2020.


内森·摩尔: I usually define microservices in contrast to a monolith. 所有的计算机程序都是如此, 所有应用程序, 你有一个输入, it goes away and you have this black box that does something with that input to give you an output. And the whole point of a monolith is everything is hidden behind that black box. But with a microservice, you break out that black box into the different stages of its workflow. You can then encapsulate the state of what each work stage has to do, such that you can pass that around as its own separate thing. And what this allows you to do is exactly open up the world to be able to rip out a work stage and replace it with a completely brand new one without changing any of the rest of that pipeline.

So it's a really good way of breaking down the workflow and it's a really good way of making sure that everything is correctly encapsulated, such that you do not accidentally destroy something else. And being able to break your workflow out into those individual stages, where each stage is appropriately encapsulated for what you want that particular stage to do. 所以每个阶段都有一个输入, 有输出, 将其传递给下一阶段的输入/输出, 以此类推. So you get this sort of chain microserviced together in order to get you your final answer that you actually wanted in the first place.

这是第一件事, though you have to understand the problems base well enough that you can break it into its individual components. 继续讨论状态, 你必须知道理想情况, everything is sufficiently discrete that you don't have to pass any state data across if you're lucky. If you're unlucky, it comes down to your specific use case. Maybe you have to shoehorn something in to accommodate for that. 但是一旦你理解了工作流程, 然后你可以打破它, and then you can determine what it is that you want it to do, and then you can start applying the usual failure analysis against this, you can start applying the usual separate and discrete logic that you want that particular one to do.

奥尔加Kornienko: We are on the opposite side of moving people from a monolithic environment over to our microservices, 主要是因为我们相信这一点, 正如内森所说, 在单片环境中,进程完成所有工作, and figuring out a point of failure sometimes is really, 真的很难. 如果整个系统失败了, digging through various pieces to see which one actually failed is a process, 然而如果你能抓住, 正如你所说, 输入和输出, 看看这个过程的进展, 找出哪一块出了问题, 是你想演的角色吗.

Dom Robinson: What were the business drivers for moving to microservices with a DRM service?

奥尔加Kornienko: Well, I guess with a DRM service you are looking at somebody who is a specialist in the field. You don't want them taking the non-technical approach to it, you don't want your plumber installing your lock on your door, because they are not the person who knows what they are doing. 在微服务环境中, 我们的想法是去发现, in any microservice--be it DRM or anything else-- 我们的想法是去发现 a person who knows exactly what they're doing, 因为他们还能做其他12件事, 你不会想让他们同时保护你的安全.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Twitch's Tanu Aggarwal and EZDRM's Olga Kornienko debate the relative merits of microservices and monoliths in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.

Microservices vs. 流部署中的容器

思科的Nermeen Ismail说, 我是多姆·罗宾逊, and Twitch's Tanu Aggarwal resolve the age-old microservice/container conundrum in the streaming world in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.


Twitch Director of Enginerring Tanu Aggarwal explains the basics of microservices and the advantages of designing and deploying self-contained, single-purpose services in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.


Netflix Senior Software Engineer Sujana Sooreddy describes how microservices work within Netflix' architecture in this clip from her OTT Leadership Summit panel at 流媒体 East 2019.


Imagine Communications' Mark Myslinski and Bitmovin's Paul MacDougall discuss advantages if microservices for broadcast applications such as agility and scalability in this clip from their OTT Leadership Summit panel at 流媒体 East 2019.


Limelight Networks VP Product Strategy Steve Miller-Jones discusses strategies for quick video cache-clearing in this clip from a panel at the OTT Leadership Summit at 流媒体 West.


MediaKind chief technology and strategy officer Mark Russell discusses common pitfalls of microservice-building in this clip from his panel at the OTT Leadership Summit at 流媒体 West 2018.

Video: Challenges of Microservice Architecture Development

MediaKind chief technology and strategy officer Mark Russell discusses microservice software development in this clip from his panel at the OTT Leadership Summit at 流媒体 West 2018.
