
Back to Basics: What Is Open Source Software?

A primer for newbies and a refresher for veterans, 回归基础是一个定期的功能,检查一些基本的概念和技术,涉及到提供在线视频.

Google's choice a few weeks ago, 为其WebM格式和VP8编解码器使用修改版本的BSD开源许可证,将开源的讨论提升到不仅仅是技术媒体所涵盖的水平.

Even after Google dropped the "poison pill" additions that were in the original licensing terms, reverting to a standard BSD license,许多在线视频从业者都在问的问题是“到底什么是开源??"

To help shed light on that question, and its applicability to streaming media, 让我们看看商业专有应用程序之间的区别, free software applications, and open-source code.

Most programs are delivered to the end user in a compiled form, 以及终端用户许可协议(EULA),该协议禁止为了访问源代码而进行任何反编译. 

For commercial applications, 通过EULA禁止用户反编译程序具有商业和竞争意义, 大多数用户都满足于抱怨程序缺乏特定的功能或效率低下,而不是试图修改代码来稳定程序或添加功能

Herding Cats
相比之下,开源社区则充满了天生好奇的修补匠和黑客. 有些人想把他们的挫折好好利用起来,解决程序中的问题, others just want to see what's under the hood, 通过阅读用各种计算机编程语言编写的源代码来提高自己的编程技能, such as C or even Java.

因为修改源代码意味着程序在使用前必须重新编译, 开源计划通常有一个存储库来跟踪对特定特性或特性组的修改.

Recompiled versions are known as builds, 一个典型的商业项目在被批准发布之前可能会有数十或数百个构建. In open-source repositories, 每个单独的构建都可以在不同的方向上进行编译或重新编程. 在偏离主要编程意图的特定方向上进行过多的移动可能会导致分支——代码中的分支,它将特定的特性集带向更活跃的编程方向.

如果您认为许可或限制开源代码类似于放牧猫, you'd not be far off. 而源代码的修改和重用是开源社区的标志之一, 在商业程序中使用源代码也有具体的规则. 开源开发者希望能够自由地修改源代码, in turn, 将他们的改进发布回开源社区,以便在其他开源项目中使用.

It's not as if open-source code has no license. In fact, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) calls out the fact that a license is assumed, 它不能限制代码的自由传播, compiled or otherwise.

Under Section 1of the OSI's definition of open source, titled Free Redistribution, OSI注意到“许可证不应限制任何一方出售或赠送该软件作为包含几个不同来源的程序的总软件分发的组成部分。."

“许可证不得要求对这种销售收取特许权使用费或其他费用," the section also states, with the rationale added. "By constraining the license to require free redistribution, 我们消除了为了赚取一些短期销售收入而放弃许多长期收益的诱惑. 如果我们不这样做,合作者就会面临很大的变节压力."

虽然最初的目的是涵盖开源社区成员创建的软件, OSI and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) 还必须为以前的商业或专有软件产品的源代码许可进行斗争吗, 越来越多的公司发现,如果商业公司有一个有潜力的软件产品,他们无法用内部百家乐软件满足,那么开源社区的善意是有利的.

版税问题是在Google修改后的BSD许可下提出的问题, as it appeared MPEG-LA was moving to create a patent pool, 一旦谷歌明确打算剥夺任何起诉谷歌侵犯专利的人使用软件代码的权利. Google回到一个完全兼容的BSD开源许可证的举动, for the moment, 消除了专利池从谷歌发布的代码中获得经济利益的可能性.

So are there ways to make money on open-source software? Yes.

The practice of offering consulting services, including software and hardware set-up, alongside the compiled code is fairly standard practice, starting with companies like RedHat, 它开始于开源Linux发行版(发行版),有些复杂的设置.

If distros, compiled applications, and even the source code are readily available, as required by OSI, 为什么会有人为设置或优化软件的服务付费呢?

The answer may be found in OSI's definition of source code.

"The program must include source code, 并且必须允许以源代码和编译形式分发," Section 1 states. 源代码必须是程序员修改程序的首选形式. Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed. 中间形式,如预处理器或转换器的输出是不允许的."

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