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如果你了解在线视频行业的脉搏, 那么您可能已经知道,启动流媒体内容不是一项简单的任务. 启动并运行您的服务可能需要从一个非常大的生态系统中拼凑许多不同的部分, from encoding to monetization to measurement. 而且,在大多数情况下,扩展这些解决方案可能很困难. 不断增加的用户数量可能会严重影响由不能相互通信的组件组成的体系结构. 许多视频流所需的个人服务都使用专有方法实现其技术, 把责任放在服务提供者身上,将它们连接在一起.

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to try an all-in-one solution such as Kaltura, NeuLion, Verizon Digital Media Services, MLBAM (MLB Advanced Media), or now even IBM. 好处非常明显:您不仅可以获得集成的服务, but you have a single vendor; you reach the market faster; and you can probably deliver a single, consistent experience across devices. Still, there are drawbacks. First, 您被锁定在实现视频流服务的特定方式中,该方式可能包含也可能不包含最佳技术. And second, 几乎不可能将一种技术替换为另一种技术,因为它们都是由供应商集成和支持的.

另一种解决方案是服务提供商单独采购技术并将它们连接在一起. 但在这种情况下,正如我前面提到的,这些工具本身就不能互操作. That makes integration harder. 更重要的是,这使得为用户提供一致的体验变得困难.

But what’s the underlying issue? Why aren’t all services—such as measurement, delivery, encoding, and discovery—implemented in the same way? The answer is simple: a lack of standards.

现在,视频流媒体行业是一个真正的狂野西部. The broadcast industry is governed by a number of standards, 无论你是坐在沙发上还是在当地的酒吧里,看电视的体验都是一样的. However, there are no standards for video streaming services, so the delivery experience for consumers is all over the map.

But there just might be a ray of hope—the Streaming Video Alliance (SVA). 这个组织的成立是为了帮助业界实现一个视频流服务,该服务可以在架构上和经济上进行扩展,并决定各个技术应该如何运作. 如果行业内的每个人都遵守SVA等组织发布的指导方针或标准, 构建和运行在线视频流媒体服务将会很简单——所有的工具都将以相同的方式工作, hopefully, interoperate much easier, 无论服务提供商是谁,最终都能提供一致的体验.

SVA的第一步是听取来自视频流生态系统的40多家成员公司讨论标准的必要性. But the SVA is doing more than talking now. SVA的工作小组正在制定最佳实践和指导方针,以帮助塑造视频流媒体服务的运营方式.

Here’s the million-dollar question: Is that enough? 为了确保视频流需要传递给观众的一致体验, 也许标准必须由政府机构制定,甚至强制执行. 随着电视世界从线性广播过渡到流媒体, 只有立法机构(如联邦通信委员会)介入才有意义. 实现这一目标的最佳方式是立法机构支持行业自己定义的标准.

The time to forge that One Ring is now. 在定义视频流如何成为传统电视广播的自然替代品方面,SVA正在发挥领导作用. Without organizations like the SVA, I fear video streaming may remain just a curious oddity, relegated to the sidelines.

This article originally ran in the June 2016 issue of Streaming Media magazine as “Will There Ever Be One Ring to Rule Them All?”

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