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的 first measure of sports streaming success is replicating the cable/broadcast experience, 而是Julie Neenan Souza, 体育主管, 全球专业服务, AWS, insists that sports streamers should be aiming higher when it comes to leveraging streaming’s core strengths, 从互动性到投注到个性化再到实时电子商务. 同时,全球GTM战略副总裁Chance Mason ViewLift contends that the key to next-level sports streaming delivery is streaming infrastructure companies like AWS embracing their emerging role as D2C media companies and partnering with sports leagues and sports rights holders at that level. 索萨,梅森,和合伙人马特·德尔·佩尔西奥, 奥特曼梭伦,在这段视频中讨论这些和其他体育流媒体的新兴机会 流媒体连接2024.

Del Percio问大家, “What are you seeing happening in the streaming sports space on both the consumer and on the supply side?”

Souza表示,该行业在将互联网转变为有线电视方面做得很好. 然而, that approach still does not even come close to reaching the value proposition of the native capabilities of streaming platforms. First, she says, t在这里 should be many more dynamic ways to monetize the data of sports fans. She also says that t在这里 are subscription models that have not been capitalized on anyw在这里 nearly as much as possible, 比如小额支付, 这将允许观众为他们想看的特定比赛付费. “I don't think we need to just adopt a single subscription model because that's the way it's been done and that we're also borrowing from cable,她说。. “And then think about all of the things that we do on a second screen when we're watching a live sporting event. 我正在和朋友聊天. I am doing all these other things that should be built into the live-streaming experience. So I should be able to choose my camera angle, choose my audio feed, choose my level of augmentation. 我想要一个主要的 Vision属性叠加吗? 我想在我看的东西上加个Snapchat的滤镜吗? 我想要 大城市绿地 或者是 玩具总动员 或者这个游戏的任何版本? 我能遵循我的幻想数据吗? 我可以买下一场比赛的票吗? 我可以买我最喜欢的球员的球衣吗? 我能在中场休息前20分钟叫优步外卖吗, 去投票的地方, 打一个真钱的赌, 所有这些? Can we start building a much more robust, interactive, engaging, and personalized viewing experience? 对我来说,这离圣杯只有一步之遥.”

Souza提供了进一步提高体育流媒体观众参与度的例子. “如果我在看一个 NBA 游戏中,我想要提示道具投注. Anytime somebody's on the free throw line, I want all my fantasy stats updated in an L-bar. Definitely prompt me to order Uber Eats 20 minutes before halftime and open a chat thread to talk smack with my friends. And then we're going from what has historically been a fairly passive viewing experience into much more of an active viewing experience because you're engaged with your content.”

Mason agrees with Souza’s call for increased live user engagement and emphasizes the importance of personalization. “不管我是否参加了五个不同的联赛, 三个不同的联盟, 不管是什么, my experience has to be personalized because t在这里's just too much noise around everything that's going on,他说. “你需要粉丝参与工具. 独特的相互作用, 喜欢同一名球员的人, 喜欢同一支球队的人, 诸如此类的事情. 但是现在有太多的内容了. 个性化将是保持浏览者对内容的粘性的关键.”

梅森还说,从提供者的角度来看, the role of technology in enabling real-time data and stats for teams and coaches is essential, along with addressing the challenges of balancing innovation with consumer affordability. “If you look at it from the provider standpoint, that's w在这里 the technology is available,他说. “AWS正在用人工智能做一些了不起的事情. 当你看 国家橄榄球联盟,你会看到周四的广播 主要的,并且您有多种选择可以从中消费. 然而, is a lot of that technology available f或者是 teams and the coaches so that they can make real-time decisions based on real-time data and stats? Or does a consumer want to see that as an overlay, as a part of their entertainment experience? I think that's yet to be seen, and if t在这里's a demographic that goes one way or another. 这是两个不同的镜头, and we have got to make sure that the cost of the lens f或者是 provider doesn't get pushed down to the consumer w在这里 t在这里 isn't the ability to aggregate and get access to different content from other leagues or teams, 以至于我们在这上面花了很多钱. 对消费者来说,物价正在上涨. 的y're introducing new business models like AVOD because they can't increase price ranges. 所以价格不能继续逐年上涨或者因为我们在推动创新. 在创新和消费者能接受的东西之间必须有一个平衡.”

索萨问梅森, “在某种程度上,你允许个性化功能, 这不是给分层结构提供了更多的论据吗? So, 那些想要深入研究或有一定程度个性化的人, 也许他们愿意付更多的钱, 但你不必把这个负担放在整个基地上?”

Mason says sports rights costs are the biggest barrier to the tiered structure approach. “T在这里's a league you can watch on four different platforms, and it's Monday at one place. 也许在另一个地方是周四,也许在另一个地方是周日. 消费者对此非常困惑。. “这只是一条期限曲线. And entertainment companies are shifting to direct-to-consumer companies that were just gone producers before. 像AWS这样的基础设施提供商现在是媒体和娱乐公司. 你可以开发虚拟制作工作室,比如 巨大的运动. 他们不仅拥有多个团队,还创建了自己的工作室. 他们收购了一家地区体育电视网(RSN),现在他们是一家娱乐公司. 它们有一个线性通道. 他们把所有的运动队都归在一个保护伞下. 他们建了一个最先进的工作室. 的 犹他爵士队 做同样的事情. 所以他们正在成为自己的媒体娱乐公司.”

请参阅流媒体连接2024年2月的完整节目视频 在这里.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


当涉及到大规模实现流媒体技术时, 高赌注的体育直播, often decisions around managing latency are driven as much by cost concerns as network conditions, 观众的期望, 诸如此类. 全球数字产品,平台 & Adtech Manager Jonas Ribeiro reveals the latency Globo delivers on typical sports streams at scale and what factors into those numbers in this discussion with Eyevinn Technology's Magnus Svensson at 流媒体连接2024.

CBS体育如何应对云vs. 预置流工作流

Most of the essential elements of streaming workflows and architecture are moving toward the cloud, but the fundamental question driving streaming workflow development should always be not how do we migrate this or that process to the cloud, 但怎样才能最好地服务于制作和观众, 根据CBS体育高级总监的说法, 先进生产技术科里·史密斯, who breaks down these questions in this discussion with Eyevinn Technology's Magnus Svensson from 流媒体连接2024.

AWS, ViewLift & 奥特曼·索伦谈论2024年的体育媒体状况

体育直播是媒体界最后一种预约观看方式, 但与此同时, chaos reigns in the realms of licensing and rights and the ability of streaming consumers to access the games they want to see. AWS体育主管Julie Neenan Souza说, ViewLift副总裁Chance Mason, and 奥特曼梭伦 Director Matt DelPercio discuss the current state of sports media in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


As the prices paid for top-tier sports streaming rights continue to reach astronomical levels, 以及ESPN/福克斯/华纳兄弟的大片带来的潜在颠覆. 合资企业(俗称“Spulu”)在2月份被嘲笑, what sports licensing will look like as 2024 rolls on and who will be able to afford it is anybody's guess. 在美国,情况会有所不同吗.S. 和欧洲? 随着成本转嫁给用户,体育迷们为什么不坚持使用有线电视呢? 看看ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗等顶级分析师是怎么做的, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, 以及TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克, 在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中说道.

同步和. 延迟——在企业和体育流媒体中更重要?

克里斯·帕卡德, LinkedIn全球现场运营主管, 讨论了交互性在企业流中的作用, 成功的用户体验的基本要素是什么, 并在超低延迟和同步之间取得现实的平衡, in this discussion with nanocosmos' Oliver Lietz and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin from 流媒体连接2024.
