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托马斯·爱迪生失败的传奇,774 times before landing on a successful design for a working light bulb has made him an inspiration to flummoxed would-be inventors and innovators the world over. Edison’s reputation as an equally determined and often unscrupulous self-marketer is less well-remembered today. 在19世纪90年代,他绝望地试图 玷污乔治·威斯汀豪斯的名声, whose alternating current (AC) was quickly superseding Edison’s own direct current (DC), Edison financed development of an AC electric chair in an effort to make “威斯汀豪斯d” synonymous with “executed by electrocution.”

更有效的是 爱迪生的音调测试, a series of recitals staged at Carnegie Hall and other premium venues from 1915 to 1925 to promote Edison’s Diamond Disc phonograph technology as the recording industry began to transition from cylinders to records. Designed to demonstrate the clarity and fidelity of recordings that Edison believed could perfectly replicate a live performance, the recitals featured opera singers from Edison’s own label performing alongside phonographs playing their recordings in sync with the live performance. 在晚上戏剧性的高潮, 灯光会熄灭,歌手会悄悄退出舞台. 当灯光回来时, 观众会发现, 令他们吃惊的是, 只有钻石唱片的版本在播放.

Ads in national magazines featured celebrities and experts from various fields declaring that they couldn’t tell the difference between live= performances and Diamond Disc recordings. 无处不在的“这是现场直播还是Memorex ??” TV and print ads of the 1980s were direct descendants of the 爱迪生音调测验.

As technology evolved and the ability to deliver recorded and live sound grew in sophistication to the point where sonic fidelity became comparatively commonplace, the idea that live performances and studio-recorded ones should perfectly mimic one another largely fell out of favor, as artists aimed to give audiences a show they couldn’t experience without buying a ticket. 1969年,当 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》杂志 将Creed-ence清水复兴音乐会描述为“与其说是表演,不如说是示范”—a sort of Tone Test in reverse—the magazine didn’t mean it as a compliment.

Many pundits have acclaimed 2023 as a break­through year for sports streaming, largely evidenced by the eye-popping licensing fees media companies paid—and continue to pay—for the rights to deliver premium sporting events. 主要参与者包括 亚马逊, 苹果, 迪斯尼, 网飞公司, 美国全国广播公司 seem to regard acquiring multimillion-dollar exclusive sports rights to NFL playoff games, 美国职业足球大联盟, WWE, the like as their best bet for quick-hit acquisition of millions of new subscribers. 然而, hiccups and reportedly unresponsive tech support in some cases (along with resentment over having to subscribe to a streaming service to watch games they’re used to seeing on local network affiliates) have left large swaths of viewers in whiplash churn mode as the game clock ticks down.

It would appear that some players in the premium sports streaming world still struggle to achieve performance or experience parity with\ traditional broadcast. 与此同时, innovative tech companies promote heightened interaction and personalized streaming experiences as the future of in-home sports entertainment.

当我坐下来 Amagi IBC全球销售执行副总裁丹·马歇尔去年秋天说, he predicted that gamification of the viewer experience through AR would provide the “personal connection to the event” that would distinguish the streamed sports experience from anything traditional broadcast could conceivably provide. 谐波 is leaning hard into hyper-personalization of the sports viewing experience 提高用户粘性和留存率, 根据用户偏好定制ui, 从本质上提高内容发现, bringing everything OTT does substantially better than broadcast to an area where streaming is still proving itself.

There can be little doubt that live sports streaming has a lucrative and dazzling future. 但首先,它需要通过语气测试阶段.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Are there tectonic shifts afoot in the ultra-competitive and lucrative world of sports streaming licensing and rights, 特别是在欧洲, how long can early entrants continue to lose money and still stay relevant? Ophelie Boucaud of Dataxis and Evan Shapiro of ESHAP discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect in November.


在最近的NAB纽约展览会上, 来自ViewLift的Rick Allen, 来自Agilis Quantum的Scott Morris, Lawrence Chan of LiveLike discussed the state of UI and UX for live sports and engagement, with a focus on the importance of low latency and reliability in streaming services, 对高质量流的需求, 动态内容, 为粉丝提供个性化体验.


Five-Nines uptime in streaming went from a pipe dream to mainstream expectation in a relatively short time, 但是,在高风险的情况下,无缝的用户体验有多现实, large-scale world of sports betting and iGaming where ultra-low latency is the sine qua non of success? 克里斯·普法夫科技媒体的克里斯·普法夫, EdgeNext的约书亚·约翰逊, Sean Gardner of AMD discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 East 2023.
