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You Can Win The Streaming Wars! The Answer Is Interactivity

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The next frontier for streaming content is interactivity. In 2022, 如果你还没有开始添加与观众互动的方法,让他们更投入, you're falling behind. 在探索通过互动功能提供流媒体服务的可能性时,数百万美元被留在了桌面上.

社交媒体增加了参与的需求,可以成为品牌的一个有价值的连接点. 与消费者的接触推动了社交媒体营销和广告支出的回报. 靠在椅背上看节目的体验已经成为过去——即使节目内容不包括任何互动功能(e.g., polls, trivia, games) users are interacting on social media. People are constantly on their phones checking social media with 84%美国人 using a second screen while they watch content on streaming platforms. 然而, consumers are also flocking to social media to complain about streaming delays, 缓冲, and poor video quality. 对糟糕的流媒体技术的失望只会增加,直到用户流失成为流媒体提供商不得不做出改变的财务问题.

As the desire for interactivity has come to the forefront, 为了赢得流媒体大战,提供商需要调整和改进技术,以便能够无延迟地实时传输流媒体.

The Stream Can Be Your Own Personal Store

今天的消费者在做出购买决定时受到社交媒体的严重影响. In fact, people are increasingly shopping directly from TikTok and Instagram. 合乎逻辑的下一步? 将现场商务购物体验直接带入流媒体内容. 

根据一项调查,98%的消费者计划在2022年通过社交购物进行至少一次购买 new study by Sprout Social. Live commerce is growing 2.5 times faster than traditional shopping channels, and is 预计将达到1美元.到2025年达到2万亿美元.

To compete and not miss out on revenue potential, streaming providers need a live commerce play, which is not very hard to implement. 购买产品的选项可以直接集成到流和覆盖内容中, making it easier than ever to purchase. 从本质上讲,观看体验变成了购物体验,消费者可以购买他们在屏幕上看到的东西. 

And consumers want this too. According to Sprout Social, viewers rated a "streamlined in-platform shopping experience" highly, 45%的受访者表示,他们很高兴能直接从自己喜欢的社交平台上购物.

对于观看直播的观众来说,技术是实时的,没有任何延迟是至关重要的. If a consumer wants the shirt they just saw, 但他们的流正在缓冲或有延迟,这将影响他们是否继续购买.

Live commerce is already popular for livestreaming, as 71% of livestream watchers have bought something on social, according to Sprout Social. Streaming services should take notice. According to recent research from 凤凰 conducted by YouGov, 12%的球迷表示,他们想在观看超级碗比赛时购买“球迷”装备. This indicates viewers are interested and willing to buy as they watch, which is an untapped opportunity to boost revenue.

You Can Play As You Watch

Gamification is another effective and valuable way to engage viewers. Everyone loves a competition; chances to win prizes is a positive way to increase fan engagement during a live broadcast.

Implementing game-like features, such as live quizzes or polls, directly into a livestream incentivizes viewers to engage with the content. This keeps fans watching longer and more intently. 实施游戏化也是一个收集用户数据的机会,以便在调整未来的内容时使用. Streaming services can see who is engaging more frequently with the content, providing insights on the most loyal fans, perhaps to build a fan club in the future offering exclusive benefits.

这也是消费者想要的——18%的人说他们希望在超级碗期间进行测验和民意调查, according to recent research from 凤凰 conducted by YouGov. 

The technology needs to be able to support these features. 如果你的流被延迟,这将极大地影响用户体验(观众可能会错过一个问题),他们会在社交媒体上抱怨.

You're Never Watching Alone

Viewers want to interact with friends and family while watching. While there are opportunities to engage via social media or even texting, 在直播中进行交互的能力是交互性的下一步.


Viewers want to interact with others watching the same thing, creating a virtual fandom online…who doesn't love trash talking with a friend! 如果每个流不同步,会破坏朋友和粉丝之间的互动,这是非常具有破坏性和令人沮丧的.

Viewers love interacting with their favorite celebrities. 我们在Celebrity Connect twitch上看到了这一点——观众可以通过其自有频道和Drops等功能与创作者互动, 奖励观众的一种流行方法(这与游戏化密切相关). 想象一下,能够在音乐会上与贾斯汀·比伯或在比赛中与勒布朗·詹姆斯直接互动?!

流媒体服务的盈利能力和订阅数量都在下降,处于脆弱状态. 独家内容和与其他服务的捆绑当然有助于区分, 但赢得流媒体之战的关键是通过互动功能保持观众的参与度,以避免流失,并进一步实现收入最大化. 要正确地做这件事, 所采用的技术必须是实时和同步的,这样每个人都可以同时参与. 

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from 凤凰. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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