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V-Nova LCEVC Royalty Structure Announced


V-Nova, the primary developer of the Low Complexity Enhancement Video Codec (LCEVC), 今天公布版税条款, 它应用了一个上限, low per-user fee on the streaming service actually using the codec, 和 is free for encoder 和 decoder vendors. According to company president Guido Meardi, the structure is integrator friendly 和 applies the royalty to the "service operators who benefit directly from the st和ard, producing measurable quality 和 profitability benefits."

For perspective, though there are minor royalties on content with H.264HEVC, the bulk of the royalties apply to encoders 和 decoders in computers, 移动设备, 奥特/机顶盒盒子, 还有电视机. 提出的VP9/AV1版税 Sisvel专利池 apply to consumer display devices like TVs, 消费类非显示设备, 比如机顶盒和OTT加密狗. 根据V-Nova, "we chose not to charge any fees to hardware manufacturers, 操作系统, 浏览器和其他生态系统的推动者, so as to facilitate rapid adoption at scale."

V-Nova's royalty involves different prices for different types of entities, like subscription 和 advertising-based services, 电视无处不在, 所有的上限为3美元.每年700万. The presentation included the following examples.


In the press release 和 in the press materials, V-Nova referenced that they created this pricing structure "[f]ollowing extensive consultation with customers 和 key industry players,但没有宣布任何被授权方. When the question came up during the press conference, V-Nova referred to testimonials on the lcevc.org 网站, 其中包括来自Proximie的评论, 11个体育, MainConcept, 媒体set, 半岛电视台, 和Xilinx.


我们采访了Alex Davies, senior analyst at Rethink about the V-Nova announcement, 也是最近出版的 媒体 & Entertainment Transcoding Workload 和 Device Royalty Forecast 2020-2030 which predicts codec deployments 和 usage through 2030. 在准备报告时, Davies采访了编解码器开发者, 电话和电视制造商, 流媒体生产商, 以及其他利益相关者, 提供广泛的视角. For the record, the report predicts that LCEVC will achieve a 30% penetration by 2030.

I asked Davies about V-Nova's pricing 和 targeting strategy, 他评论道, “我认为这是有道理的. Policing the player is a pain, but going straight to the video service provider should be simpler." Regarding LCEVC’s uptake in the market, he commented that "we know that Harmonic is integrating LCEVC in its encoding suite 和 seems to be positioning it towards Italian users. We have also speculated that DAZN will be using it in Italy, for delivering Series A soccer over sub-par networks. 一旦和声公司把它弄好, we would expect its rivals to follow suit, particularly as they don’t have to pay a dime to implement it."

During a recent presentation at 流媒体 East, Davies showed the VVC patent pools 和 licensing structure being finalized in 2022, 2023年EVC也会出现同样的情况. Having known license terms much earlier puts LCEVC at a distinct advantage over the other two new MPEG codecs. All that seems missing now are high profile deployments to verify LCEVC’s readiness. 关于这个, Davies predicted "some deployments in 2021, 以很小的方式, 然后逐渐地吸收蒸汽."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


When it comes to making roadmap decisions about adopting emerging codecs for media & entertainment content delivery between now 和 2030, 这些数字说明了什么, 和 how has the forecast changed since the p和emic shook up the streaming market? In this in-depth exclusive interview with Streaming Learning Center's 1月时, Rethink Technology 研究 Senior Analyst Alex Davies discusses the findings of Rethink's new M&电子编解码器市场预测.

Testing EVC, VVC, 和 LCEVC: How Do the Latest MPEG Codecs Stack Up?

1月时说EVC, VVC, 和LCEVC的步伐, checking each for not only encoding quality, 编码的复杂性, 和 playback efficiency but also power consumption. Each one has its pros 和 cons; read on to find out how they all performed.


The Low Complexity Enhancement Video Codec (LCEVC) is ready for primetime. V-Nova is the primary developer behind the codec, 和 we talked to CEO 和 co-founder Guido Meardi about where things st和, both in terms of the technology 和 licensing structure.


V-Nova首席执行官 & Co-Founder Guido Meardi goes under the hood with LCEVC (Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding) 和 explains how the magic happens in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.


Unlike other cutting-edge codecs coming to market, LCEVC will have an immediate impact on the streaming l和scape. 下面是如何使用它.


V-Nova首席执行官 & Co-Founder Guido Meardi discusses current issues with 编码的复杂性 和 cost 和 how LCEVC--Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding--addresses those issues in this clip from his presentation at Video Engineering Summit.
