
紫溪: View from the Top 2021

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D尽管2019冠状病毒病对行业的影响持续存在,我们无法旅行和面对面会面, 紫溪 2021年的市场繁荣在很大程度上归功于我们与客户和技术联盟的合作. This rise in content streaming, specifically live streaming, is not behavior that is likely to change in the foreseeable future, 对于媒体和娱乐行业来说,重要的是要适应和拥抱新技术,以实现繁荣. Our customers and partners guide us on our vision, 我们将继续致力于创新实时视频传输技术,并以固有的敏捷性提供一流的服务,以满足他们和最终用户的需求, Universal interoperability Data-driven capabilities

现代流工作流必须能够快速响应不断变化的市场动态, as well as be able to seize new opportunities as they arise. For that, they need to be based in the cloud. 软件定义和虚拟化工作流提供了某种程度的响应性,这是任何其他方式都无法复制的. 因为这个原因, 我们看到越来越多的大型媒体企业转向端到端基于云的工作流程.

任何知识产权, 任何协议, any infrastructure; the most effective new streaming workflows will be IP-based and portable. 从观看选项的变化到混合网络工作流的采用,许多不同的因素推动了整个媒体行业向IP工作流的转变, 提高比特率, enhanced monetization opportunities, 和更多的. 

最后,考虑数据分析在确保QoE中的作用是很重要的. 需要的是更好的根本原因分析,以迅速了解不稳定和失败的原因, to get ahead of them and prevent them from happening in the first place. 越来越多地利用人工智能和机器学习来提高RCA的准确性, drives operational efficiency, 并且能够在流问题发生之前采用预测和主动的方法来解决问题. 





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6月14日, 基于ip的可扩展媒体传输软件供应商紫溪宣布获得Clearhaven Partners的重大战略投资, a Boston-based software private-equity firm. At the time of the announcement, 紫溪首席执行官戈登·布鲁克斯称,与Clearhaven的合作对紫溪来说是“天作之合”, 这将使该公司能够“加倍投入产品创新”,并在快速增长的基于ip的视频系统市场上“抓住重大机遇”. 我们与Gordon进行了交谈,以了解更多关于紫溪与clearhaven的合作关系以及紫溪的未来.

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In this interview from the show floor at 流媒体 West 2022, David Van Arkel discusses what's new at 紫溪.


Welcome to the 2022 流媒体 50, 我们的年度榜单列出了业界最具创新性和影响力的技术供应商, 服务提供商, 和平台, as acclaimed by our editorial team. Some are large and established industry standard-bearers, 而其他公司规模相对较小,相对较新,刚刚开始引起轰动. 所有人都以其创新的方法和为客户服务并推动行业发展的承诺使自己脱颖而出. It's the fifth year we've capped the list at 50 companies.

面向媒体的AWS & Entertainment: View from the Top 2021

五个解决方案领域是媒体和娱乐公司的关键:内容制作, 媒体供应链 & archive, broadcast, D2C & streaming, and data science and analytics

TAG Video Systems: View from the Top 2021

将消费者体验提升到最高水平需要对质量有深入的了解, metrics and issues; data that was previously beyond the reach of operators. 然而,多亏了TAG的实时媒体平台,这些数据现在是可以访问的.

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Edgecast: View from the Top 2021

Content will always be king, 但是用户体验——从个性化的流媒体到个性化的广告——在吸引和留住观众方面正变得越来越重要

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Qwilt正在快速扩张, 凭借其开放边缘云,我们正朝着200Tbps的全球容量迈进, 基于开放缓存的, 像英国电信这样的客户, 威瑞森, 蒂姆·巴西, and Telecom Argentina are embracing the new content delivery model

SSIMWAVE: View from the Top 2021

Viewers have shown that they have huge appetites for content diversity. 在直接面向消费者的环境中,成功的交付意味着能够始终如一地满足观众体验目标,这样观众才能持续收看,你的业务才能盈利.

Amagi: View from the Top 2021

免费的 ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) is the cure for subscription fatigue, and Amagi is just what the doctor ordered

EZDRM: View from the Top 2021

Security is becoming multi-dimensional. DRM的黄金标准现在经常与水印、地理围栏等一起使用. to offer a fuller envelope of glass-to-glass protection, 随着集成标准的规范化和成本的降低,这种趋势可能会加速, cloud-based service options.

Mux: View from the Top 2021

这是去年, video became a crucial component of every major 业务 across the world, and even as things return to normal, development teams need to find easy, 可伸缩的, and rapidly deployable solutions.

Phenix: View from the Top 2021

关于WebRTC是否可以扩展的讨论现在应该不再是关于“能否”扩展, but rather can "your" company make it scale? At Phenix the answer is a resounding yes.

Tulix: View from the Top 2021

实时线性频道的数量在不断增长,它们提供的视频质量也在不断提高. 硬件和软件的进步也大大降低了开通频道的成本.

Verimatrix: View from the Top 2021

Due to the growth in scope, 频率, and severity of cyberthreats, today's media and entertainment industry needs more security, 而不是更少. 这对一些公司来说是一个艰难的选择——妥协你的创造性愿景, or lower your security standards? 我们相信,你不需要为了安全而牺牲创新——你可以两者兼得.

View from the Top 2021: Innovating to Make a Difference

When the pandemic shut down schools, 医生的办公室, 零售, and concert and sports venues, video stepped in to keep teaching, 病人护理, 业务, and entertainment going. These solutions providers rose to the challenge, and in this year's View from the Top, they share their visions for the future.

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