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WiseDV的Vassil Lefterov讲话很快.0

商业发展副总裁瓦西尔·莱夫特洛夫 WiseDV坐下来与蒂姆·西格林,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 流媒体撰稿人编辑 about the evolution of 免费的 Ad-Supported Television (FAST) 和 how WiseDV's app is serving that market.

“So, Vassil, tell me a little bit about yourself 和 your background in the industry,西格林说.

“我在圣地亚哥工作,”Lefterov说. “我的背景是播放自动化. 我通过我的公司做这个已经20年了 个人玩具用品箱是我在欧洲的保加利亚创建的,有19,000个客户. 所以我一直在为我的客户提供前瞻性的技术. 当我找到WiseDV公司时, 我很惊讶它的设计是如此之好, 该体系结构, 该软件, 这个平台, everything was giving me answers to all of the unsolved problems with my previous technology. So I fell in love with this technology, I decided to start working for the CEO of WiseDV. 基本上, it is the next-generation platform I'm happy now to provide to my existing clients all over the world.”

“很好,”西格林说. “所以,你有传统的原创设备和供应商,如个人玩具用品箱和 协同作用 还有其他类似的公司. What's different between what you're doing 和 what some of those traditional ones are doing?”

“我们进入这个市场已经很长时间了, 所以我们清楚地知道这些供应商的局限性,莱夫捷罗夫说. “Now the industry is changing extremely fast, vendors need to adapt much quicker than before. WiseDV在预测市场需求方面做得非常出色. Actually, there are features in the technology which the clients will need in a couple of years. 但该公司已经足够聪明地创造了这一点. 所以我们谈论的是架构的灵活性, we are talking about different business models that adapt to the various needs of clients 和 resellers in different geographies.”

“So you mentioned that the company's created solutions for problems that you see going forward, 也许几年后就需要了,西格林说. “Do you have to educate the market to the fact that these are the problems they may potentially run into 和 why your product solves that?”

Lefterov说, “There is a lot of pioneering work 和 explanation 和 evangelization now with this whole fast revolution. We see a lot of channels, but there is room for improvement of viewer experience. 广告收入合规标准, 分布, WiseDV现在已经解决了很多问题. And we basically explain [to] people why a tech company properly addresses [these] issues 和…basically we help our content creators make money. And indirectly we facilitate the ad agencies to make money from the app so both advertisers 和 content owners are happy. 这是我们的目标,而这项技术也非常适合实现这一目标.”

Siglin wonders what WiseDV’s geographic priorities 和 solutions are for different parts of the world.

“我们的业务主要集中在北美,”莱夫捷罗夫解释说. “But now with myself coming on board the company as a VP of Business Development, 我们正在把它扩展到任何地方. 我的技能,以及现有的经销商和客户都不在了. And we started doing a lot of regional initiatives, like serious seminars in the Middle East. 也, we are very carefully monitoring the changes which will come after the Ukraine 和 Russia war, 我们已经准备好帮助重建. 那些以前的俄罗斯共和国将会发生很多变化. 所以我们来到这里.”


“Traditionally, those markets, I've been serving with my previous technology,莱夫捷罗夫说. “支持互联网的广播传输即将到来. It is not as quick as in North America, but there is no question if the only question is when…”

“当然,有道理,”西格林说. “所以当你向前看的时候, you've designed systems that are essentially addressing issues that these companies will face in the next two or three years. 如果你看得更远, what are some of the future developments that you see in FAST as it takes hold in the industry?”

“我们看到FAST概念演变成我们所说的FAST 2.莱夫捷罗夫说. “所以这是我们概念化的东西……本质上, we see the total convergence between traditional tele cable 和 satellite-delivered television with OTT streams 和 the FAST channels. So currently FAST is a very efficient way of delivering, but the viewer experience suffers. So we think that the evolution in the next couple of years will be to have absolutely the same quality of your experience on the FAST platforms, so it is impossible to distinguish between traditional television 和 FAST channels. 为此需要适当的技术工具. 而WiseDV正是专注于提供这些东西.”

Siglin提到他听说WiseDV有一个新的采访工具, 他请列弗特罗夫详细说明.

Lefterov说:“我们有 Bozu 工具, which has many roles…it's a wide video conferencing platform with different verticals, 远程面试, 在公司内部工作的团队, 体育, 看方, 电子竞技各种各样的教育场景. 基本上,我们解决了系统的局限性,比如 变焦微软团队. 所以这是下一代平台. 我们对此非常热情. 目前,它是免费使用的. 每个人都可以去那里享受它的功能.”

了解更多关于FAST和视频会议工具的信息 流媒体东部2023.

[编者注:这是一个赞助的采访 WiseDV. 流媒体 conducts sponsored interviews based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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