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Top KPIs for OTT UX Design

在OTT用户体验(UX)设计中,衡量什么是有效的,什么是无效的最好方法是什么? 四位业内领军人物讨论了他们的流媒体公司如何衡量他们的用户体验质量,哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的.

Nadine Krefetz, Consultant, 现实的软件, Contributing Editor, 流媒体, commences the discussion by asking Eileen Jackson, Director of Product, Vevo, how Vevo measures the quality of their UX.

“When we added linear programming, we obviously increased our session time dramatically,杰克逊说. “Return visitors is a big one for us. 这是一个我们要通过给予信任来增加的问题,他们可以有一个稳定的应用程序,或者他们可以找到任何需要的内容, 无论是从线性规划的管理角度,还是从浏览区的书架角度, or they can find it in their search.”

Krefetz next asks Thijs Lowette, Product Lead, 菲罗“你呢?? What's your KPI that really resonates?”

“There are a lot that I'm interested in,” Lowette says. “但也许一个好的方法是能够衡量流媒体服务的粘性. Every OTT service suffers from it. 我们有 黄石公园 on file at the moment, meaning a lot of new signups. 当这个季节结束时,他们会全部离开,或者很多人会离开. So I think it is important to be able to measure that. 我们这样做的一个方法是(观察)用户观看的节目的唯一数量是多少? That is one means to measure such stickiness.”

Solan Strickling, Senior Director of Streaming, Hartbeat, 他们从两种不同的角度看待用户体验关键绩效指标:独立访客数量和留存率. “从KPI的角度来看,我们考虑的是有多少独立访客来观看我们的内容, especially if there's been any type of major changes,他说. “We want to see how many people are coming in. When we measure our own performance, we're looking at engagement, and that's based on how long people are staying on our channel, how long before they click off. And the other thing that we'll look at will be 保留. 如果人们回来,我们就会看到一个持续的高回头率.”

Jason Williams, Senior Director of Product and Design, , talks about how they focus on length of engagement. “Once we really started rolling out OTT and FAST within our ecosystem, we kind of started hinging on minutes watched,他说. “很明显, it's easier to protect your ad revenue if you've got a gauge on that, and being able to see what content is performing. So while we looked at…total playbacks, 保留, 就像看了几分钟, was where we focused for a while. 虽然我认为现在我们提供的其他一些服务和功能, it's going to be repeat visits…because right now we've got the watch list, we've got the ability to discover content in other places, so I think it's a lot harder to discern in the metrics, like what everybody's doing on the platform.”

Williams says that to gather a complete picture of UX performance, it is essential to monitor repeat visits. “I think at least if we see that they're coming back twice a week, 每周三次, 每周五次, we can start understanding what our trust level is with the consumer, 这是他们希望每天或每周两次在我们平台上看到的内容. 我认为这更多的是一个迹象,表明他们开始多么信任我们. 丛是为他们解决问题,不管他们的具体问题是什么.”

Learn more about OTT UX design and KPIs at 流媒体 East 2023.

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Performance-Driven OTT UX Design

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