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Giving Users Control in Streaming App Design

对于流媒体用户和观众来说,能够自定义有多重要, personalize, and curate their experiences with streaming apps? 以及产品设计师如何促进这些类型的体验? Nadine Krefetz, Consultant, Reality Software, Contributing Editor, Streaming Media, discusses this topic with Esther Ahn, Head of User Experience, YouTube TV and YouTube Primetime Channels, James Lauzun, Chief Product Officer, MagellanTV, and Tom Hurlbutt, Senior Director of Product Management, Crunchyroll, in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2024.

Krefetz首先提到,消费者现在对个性化交互有很高的期望. 她问团队:“当你需要创造不同的互动体验时,会发生什么? 哪些特性对你有用,哪些是你希望在别人身上看到的?”

Ahn表示,YouTube TV的直播指南是一个很好的例子,为观众提供了一种新的方式来参与和个性化他们的观看体验. 她提到,人们已经习惯于使用特定的遥控器在他们的日常频道浏览为主的电视观看, but at YouTube, 他们正在研究使导航体验更加直观的方法. 她说:“其中之一就是能够轻松地将你想要的频道放在前面。. “You can customize your channels. 另一件事是能够显示一个节目的相关信息,这样你就可以很容易地决定要看什么,或者根据你正在看的时间或上下文提供非常清晰的推荐,这样你就不会错过任何一个时刻. 所以这些都是我们试图重塑的方式如何进入电视直播而不只是回到过去的模式, but really homing in on viewer pain points.”

Lauzun表示,麦哲伦电视还专注于为观众提供更好的个性化服务. “A couple of years ago, that [just meant an] AI recommendation engine, 但我们从会员那里听说,(现在)有了一个观察名单,” he says. “Our members want to really own that experience. 他们希望能够创建自己的播放列表,并对所有内容进行微观管理. And that's a great level of engagement and interaction. 它来自于我们的用户,他们希望成为麦哲伦的一部分,而不仅仅是内容. And that's what you need to be doing with your services. It's about representing a bit of yourself as the subscriber.”

Krefetz asks Hurlbutt, “当你考虑那些人们知道你的功能时,你在想什么, or what you just think work?”

“我们有一个观察列表功能,我们希望从用户那里更好地了解哪些功能运行良好,哪些功能运行不良,” he says. “所以我们采访了粉丝,他们告诉我们,他们有一个很长的观看名单.他的团队发现,一些用户开发了自己的系统来组织他们的长监视列表. 一位用户告诉我们,他是如何在脑海中把这个列表细分为, ‘These first five items have two things I'm actively watching now. And then these other items are kind of what I do in my free time. I've organized things by Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. By the time I get to this point, the list, these are all my rewatch.“看到我们的粉丝通过这些心理体操来尝试创造他们想要的体验,这是一件很有趣的事情,但他们并没有从我们的特定功能集中得到他们想要的体验.”

Hurlbutt说,这种用户反馈促使他们建立了一个可定制的观察列表,并将其命名为Crunchylist. “It allows users and fans to create custom lists that they can subdivide, organize, rank, and sort to their heart's content,” he says. 他强调,最重要的是“这种‘我希望能够把所有东西都安排成我想要的样子,然后无论我走到哪里都能看到’的观念。.’”

请参阅流媒体连接2024年2月的完整节目视频 here.

We'll be back in person for Streaming Media NYC May 20-22, 2024. More details here.

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