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Can Data Normalization Fix FAST?

可以说, FAST生态系统面临的两个最大挑战是管理广告体验和为支持该平台的品牌提供投资回报率. Evan Shapiro, CEO, ESHAP, Patrick Courtney, SVP, Head of Streaming & Business Development, 媒体融合, and Laura Florence, SVP Global FAST Channels, 弗里曼特尔, 同意将他们收集的数据标准化,并按照程序化广告的承诺进行投放,这是实现这一切的关键. But as this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2024 reveals, it's easier said than done.

Shapiro says to Courtney, “无论是售罄率还是频率过高,还是其他任何相互冲突的因素, the answer is going to wind up being data, 正确的? The more we can drill into the data and use each user's anonymized, privacy-protected, 独特的身份, the better that environment is going to be for each user. 问题是,我们如何把所有人聚集在一起,获得必要的数据?”

Courtney指出,跨平台收集的不同数据是关键问题. “I don't know how you pull it together,他说. “T在这里 has to be some sort of forcing function, and maybe things like 沃尔玛的 收购 Vizio 这是否创造了跨平台标准化度量的需求.”

Shapiro says, “In the United States, we had 尼尔森, which was a monopoly for many years, and then they fell out of favor. 现在,我们有一个 Joint Industry Committee (JIC),允许在英国建立一个多管齐下的货币和测量生态系统. 所有的利益相关者都拥有JIC,基本上只有一个衡量单位. And it compares all of the sides of the platform: 网飞公司, broadcast, and soon-to-be YouTube我希望如此. 我们这里没有类似的东西,我们一直在努力解决这个问题. But how do you sell interoperability? 你有电视, 数字, and all these other platforms, and I'm sure you're selling across [all of them]. Are the buyers buying that way?”

考特尼说:“过去,数字媒体和电视是分开的. Now they're just video investment teams, and they're buying across social, YouTube, 连接电视, 付费电视, linear…but not everybody buys that way. So it's a difficult challenge. I'm not envious of our sales team and our integrated marketing teams. How do we take this package to advertisers A, B, C, and D? 我认为这是一件很简单的事情,就是理解你是如何做到的.”

他指出,由于拥有多元文化和多样化的用户,Fuse在处理这些问题方面具有独特的优势. “We reach a certain segment of audiences across platforms, 我们在销售内容的时候,大部分都是与优质的长篇内容相对立的,他说. “And that is a really strong sell, 这给我们的广告合作伙伴提供了价值主张. 我们的销售方式不同于塔比的销售方式,或者 三星电视Plus 可能出售. And I think that creating a collaborative ecosystem, in which all of the data is shared, that actually creates a healthier advertising ecosystem for everybody.”

夏皮罗说,从消费者的角度考虑问题是有帮助的. 用户倾向于使用知名品牌,因为由于数据碎片化和对大量产品的感知,新产品的发现性非常困难(“选择悖论”)。. With more unified data across platforms, 他说, 用户偏好可以更容易地在不同的提供商之间传递. 此外,他还指出,缺乏数据标准化使得购买广告极其困难. 大型科技“死星”在用户数据内聚方面具有巨大优势, which is impossible for smaller players to compete with. 沃尔玛 and Vizio are another example of a big power shift. 他说:“它们都是大型零售商,现在突然变成了电视公司。. “And that's the ecosystem we now live in.” He asks Florence for her thoughts on the situation.  

佛罗伦斯说,迫切需要一个广告商可以达成一致的基准,以确保内容的正确价值. “我需要广告商同意的基准,因为他们会知道我们的IP是一个倾斜的主动观察场景,她说。. “It's family-friendly. 这些事情将帮助他们发现这是值得付出努力的. 我现在只能做一些零碎的事情,而且它并没有按照内容的价值来做. We need that normalization because we can't make this content, 如果它对广告商来说只是实际价值的一小部分,我们就无法让它继续下去.”

请参阅流媒体连接2024年2月的完整节目视频 在这里.

We'll be back in person for 流媒体 NYC May 20-22, 2024. 更多的 details 在这里.

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