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Video: DVEO Takes Aim at Server Market

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到2016年流媒体西部的Almost Live. 我叫蒂姆·西格林. 我是流媒体杂志和流媒体的特约编辑.com. Here today with Laszlo Zoltan from DVEO.

Laszlo Zoltan: 这是正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: 告诉我们一点,首先,DVEO是什么意思?

Laszlo Zoltan: 嗯,它是一个四个字母的首字母缩略词,我们能够收到一个URL.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

Laszlo Zoltan: It stands for Digital Video 非凡的.

蒂姆Siglin: 非凡的. 好吧.

Laszlo Zoltan: Which we created after we found the URL.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,正确的. You found the URL and you made up a name--

Laszlo Zoltan: It has to be short and memorable. It's kind of short, kind of memorable.

蒂姆Siglin: What are you all expecting out of the show this year?

Laszlo Zoltan: Well, we're really looking for new customers. We've been around quite a while. We've been around for about eight years. 我们一直在寻找以前没有听说过DVEO的新客户. 我们觉得我们已经达到了一定的平台,我们希望能突破一些新的, 更大的账户.

蒂姆Siglin: 我记得你们都处理过螺旋服务器吗

Laszlo Zoltan: 这是正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: As Real got out of that market?

Laszlo Zoltan: 是的. 我们做了. We partnered up with Real Networks.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

Laszlo Zoltan: 我们将编码器授权给他们,并将Helix服务器授权给他们.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

Laszlo Zoltan: Which didn't work out very well because the R&D group was no longer in existence. After a couple years, we have to get a divorce, sadly. 有点像“-

蒂姆Siglin: 如果我没记错的话,你还和做DDVTech的MistDerver合作过.

Laszlo Zoltan: 是的.

蒂姆Siglin: 阿尔弗雷德Yaron.

Laszlo Zoltan: 完全. After we left the relationship with Helix, 或Real Networks, we created a relationship with the Mist people. 他们没有跟上我们所希望的那样好. 实际上,在某种程度上,我们已经授权了他们的一些代码,并创建了我们自己的代码. Thanks to NGINX we now have a pretty reasonable server. 我们渴望以一种重要的方式进入服务器市场.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的, so that leads into my next question naturally, which is: Where are you going from those relationships? You're saying you got NGINX to be able to work with. 据我所知,你也有可靠的UDP解决方案.

Laszlo Zoltan: 是的,我们有.

蒂姆Siglin: Where do you see DVEO going in the next year?

Laszlo Zoltan: Well, straight forward.

蒂姆Siglin: 是的,好吧. 确定. 盈利.

Laszlo Zoltan: 盈利. 我们是盈利的. A small, self-sufficient, profitable company. People ask us how come we have so many products. We're not a single product company. We have products in multiple categories. 我们想做的是在视频服务器市场上创造一个可信的产品.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

Laszlo Zoltan: 我们有一些独特的技术,如GoBackTV和Trick Play TV. We'd like to combine that with just plain live servers. 另一方面,经过两年半的等待,我们获得了ARQ的专利. 这是一种自动重复请求技术,允许您在运行中修复UDP错误,无论流量有多糟糕.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 这会让你与紫溪或Pro-MPEG竞争吗?

Laszlo Zoltan: 是的,确实如此. That's exactly right.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

Laszlo Zoltan: We feel that 紫溪's a wonderful competitor, they have a wonderful head start, but we feel like there's room for two players. 我们想给他们一点竞争的机会. 我们所做的n't have venture capital right now as they do. We feel we have just as good a technology. We looked at their technology. 我们实际上仔细研究了他们的专利,他们正在使用的专利,并找到了其他解决方案. 有趣的是,我们实际上是在OSI栈的第二层工作.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,明白了.

Laszlo Zoltan: Whereas the 紫溪 patent operates on a layer three.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的,准确.

Laszlo Zoltan: We hope to differentiate ourselves. We're not going to kill them. We're not going to do any real damage, 但我们要走出去,缩小从一无所有到有所成就的差距.

蒂姆Siglin: 当然,紫茜要做的一件事就是出去和一家相机制造商合作. They had to work end to end on the solution. 你认为, since you're sitting in a different layer in OSI, 你还得去找那些相机制造商合作?

Laszlo Zoltan: Well, we're trying to. We're really trying hard. We're talking to a couple of Japanese companies. 我认为ARQ集成到相机中的时代可能已经结束了. The big companies have made their beds. There's a large open field. Amazingly large open field. 例如,在远程放射学、文件传输和其他领域有机会. The company Aspera has a wonderful patent as well. They do ARQ in their own unique way. With layer two, we can compete with Aspera as well.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的.

Laszlo Zoltan: 最有趣的是,我们还有其他专利要申请. We've just filed a second patent in the ARQ area.

蒂姆Siglin: 基本上对你来说,你可以做任何需要移动的大数据. 无论是dicom,就像你说的放射学,还是VOD资产.

Laszlo Zoltan: 这是正确的. 完全. We're a small, scrappy, hungry little company.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

Laszlo Zoltan: 这就是我们的立场. We like to play that role. We're not going to kill any big gorillas.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. At least you'll give a run for the money--

Laszlo Zoltan: 我们所做的. 我们乐在其中. 这就是我们的立场 in the marketplace. If we get big, we'll accept that as well.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 太棒了. Again, this has been Laszlo Zoltan with DVEO. It's 蒂姆Siglin with helznguyen.com with Almost Live.

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