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A Buyer’s Guide to Field Encoders 2014

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所以你在一些非现场的地方直播一个活动,你想知道买什么硬件或软件来编码视频发送到你的流媒体服务器. 嗯,你来对地方了,因为这就是我在这本《百家乐软件app最新版下载》中要讨论的主题. 我将介绍一些可以快速帮助您缩小选择范围的小块. Note that I won’t be discussing on-camera encoders in depth, because those will be addressed in a separate Buyer’s Guide.

It Starts With Your Service

如果你有自己的流媒体服务器,你的编码选项实际上是无限的. 相比之下,如果你使用的是流媒体直播服务,尤其是 转播画面, your options may be very limited. 所以先查看一下你的服务提供商的网站,看看是否有免费的工具可以帮你完成这项工作, any recommended tools, and any specific tools that just don’t work.


无论您是使用自己的服务器还是第三方服务进行广播, you must understand your encoding schema. 这是, are you streaming adaptively, which is preferred but more complicated, or encoding a single stream, 这种方式更便宜、更方便,但对手机观众或大屏幕lcd观众来说,可能会带来不太理想的体验.

如果你广播一个单一的流,几乎任何编码器都可以. 如果采用自适应流式传输,则编码需求取决于整体编码模式. 一种技术是在现场对所有流进行编码,以便传输到服务器, which is expensive and requires lots of outbound bandwidth. 另一种是发送一个流,服务可以将其转码为所需数量的流. Many hardware devices can only encode a single stream, which is a critical fact to know before you go shopping. If you have any special requirements, such as encryption or closed captioning, get those on the table early, because the vast majority of field encoders do not support them.

Video Mixer, Encoder, or Other?

第一个主要决定与需要编码执行的功能有关. 例如, if you’re working with multiple cameras, you’ll need a video mixer, many of which can also encode single or multiple streams. At the other end of the spectrum, 你可能只需要一个编码器,可以输入一个单一的音频/视频(a /V)馈送, 对它进行编码, and then transmit it to the streaming server.

在两者之间是讲座采集站,如Winnov Cbox P2 HD,可以输入多个A/V输入, 包括其他电脑的屏幕,用于PowerPoint和软件演示, 并将它们格式化,以便传输到流媒体服务或分发到一系列桌面和移动设备. 类似的, 像Sonic Foundry这样的视频管理平台供应商通常会提供他们自己的便携式视频采集系统, 当你购买一个便携设备来传输到这些平台时,你应该把哪个放在你的清单的首位.

The same is true in the corporate space, 其中VBrick富媒体工作室便携式高清是一个理想的解决方案,为那些生产富媒体网络广播分发 VBrick Enterprise Video Architecture, while the Cisco Digital Media Encoder 1000 functions similarly within the Cisco Digital Media System. 基本上, as with live streaming services, 如果你是通过学术或企业的分发机制来分发你的内容, 您应该确定供应商提供或推荐的便携式编码器.

What Do You Need to Connect To?

If you’re buying a hardware device, it obviously needs to connect to your A/V gear, 因此,确定您的字段编码器需要支持的连接标准,并确保它能够支持这些标准, either directly or via format converters. If you’re buying a software encoder or mixer/encoder, 你需要一个捕捉卡来输入你的a /V流到你的电脑.

如果你的占领站有开放的扩展槽,你将有许多供应商的多种选择. If you have a notebook, 您可以购买外部捕获设备或获得一个扩展设备,如Magma ExpressBox,它提供一个扩展槽,您可以在其中插入捕获卡. 显然,无论使用哪一种选择,您都需要购买可以连接到a /V源的捕获设备.

Choosing a Video Mixer/Encoder

If you’re looking for a video mixer/encoder combination, 您的第一个主要决定是在基于硬件的系统(如 NewTek TriCaster or software programs such as Telestream Wirecast or CombiTech VidBlaster. 在一般情况下, even though the TriCaster is a Windows computer in a dedicated box, 它被认为比现成的软件解决方案更可靠,因为硬件和软件组件都经过了更严格的测试, and the device is generally used only for live production, not for general-purpose computing, which minimizes the potential for application conflicts, 病毒, 磨损和撕裂. 当然,TC 40(和所有的tricaster一样)是可移动的,但不是真正的便携.

另一方面, with Wirecast and VidBlaster, you can be streaming live for well under $1,000, including capture hardware. To promote both portability and reliability, Telestream与几家硬件供应商合作,提供预装Wirecast并保证兼容I/O硬件的交钥匙计算机系统, though this obviously drives up the cost of the overall system.

If you choose go the hardware route, TriCaster线路是少数可以执行混合和通用编码工作的线路之一. 特别是, TriCaster在流媒体领域的成功得到了大多数流媒体直播服务的广泛支持. 事实上,TriCaster是转播画面支持的少数(如果不是唯一的)第三方设备之一. 当然,还有许多其他硬件视频混频器可从多个供应商, 虽然您可能还需要购买一个单独的编码器,以使用它们.

Choosing a Software Mixer/Encoder

If you’re looking for a software mixer/encoder, Wirecast (Mac/Windows)和VidBlaster是最突出的两个条目. 生产商s looking for a Mac alternative should look into BoinxTV from Boinx software, 而那些在Windows上工作的人可以考虑使用开放广播软件, which is both free and open source.

至于Wirecast和VidBlaster,如果你是Mac电脑的制作人,VidBlaster是不适用的. 除此之外, the core feature sets of both programs are very similar, 两者都已经存在了足够长的时间,足以解决任何主要功能缺陷. The recently released Wirecast 5 was very significant competitively, with an open interface boosting ease of use, the incorporation of the x264 codec increasing quality, 以及在Wirecast系统上轻松捕获多个屏幕区域的能力,抵消了VidBlaster的长期优势.

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