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我们刚刚度过了企业视频领域辉煌的一年, 其中企业流媒体市场超过3美元.20亿美元,向14亿美元迈进.4 billion by 2014, according to a study by Susan Eustis of WinterGreen 研究. 在本文中, 我将回顾企业视频等式的两个方面——内部和外部——并评估2009年的主要趋势.

在2008年的资料书, I predicted that "partnerships" would be a key driver in how business with the enterprise would be executed. Over the course of 2008–2009, we saw some major partnerships announced. 思科 made some key acquisitions (especially WebEx 和 some other major products, including the Flip video camera); Accordent 和 Wowza both partnered with T和berg; 和 Qumu partnered with 宝利通. 简而言之, 平台, 应用程序, 硬件合作伙伴也很多, 这些伙伴关系有助于将综合技术引入封闭的花园里,在那里,管理和官僚主义会使这个过程更加繁琐. The simple point here is that if a company needs a content management system within the next 2 years, a company such as T和berg can bring in a partner that can deliver using an existing master service agreement (MSA) that T和berg already has in place; this way a lot of administration can be bypassed to get the needed product in the "door."

业务和. 它的冲突
2009 will go down in history as the pivotal turning point in our industry, 由于我们不得不重新评估在物理硬件上的支出,供应商被迫采取更积极和包容的方法来获得行业的支持. 不幸的是, 企业中仍有许多混乱, 特别是关于在成功的流媒体部署之前需要建立的系统和流程, a confusion that teeters between the business m和ate 和 IT requirements 和 scope.

从企业的云计算内部, 我们所认为的传统视频会议制造商(那些在许多企业组织中已经存在的制造商)在2009年占据了优势. 他们已经“拥有”了一个存在, 和 the trend in 2009 driven by video conferencing was to sell the business side on all-in-one systems. 如果你已经有了坦伯格的MSA, 思科, 宝利通, 或任何其他视频会议产品, it makes sense to move forward with an HD or "telepresence" upgrade 和, 同时, 完全购买他们的一体化系统.

对已经有关系的公司采取一体化的方法可以节省管理和供应商审查过程中的时间, 甚至可能绕过整个RFP流程. 但是一旦这些一体化的解决方案被接受, 一个不可避免的启示是,支持这些系统的网络将需要在此基础上进一步建设. 一旦你有了网络和硬件, 您仍然需要解决流媒体“产品”的质量控制和生产问题,这些“产品”最终将在业务范围内生产和发布. 需要制定成功的措施, 服务台需要培训, 和, 当然, desktops need to be optimized for accessing the streaming media productions.

“企业领域的人们希望主要的视频会议和协作制造商将现有的视频会议设施变成迷你, 自助服务, operatorless工作室,大卫·丹托说, director of emerging technology for the Interactive Multimedia & 协作通信联盟(IMCCA). “人们可以预期,最初对产品的良好兴趣,很快就会意识到产品的质量价值, 支持生产的团队, 网络基础设施也都需要考虑."

在2009年,企业流媒体计划的投资回报率的争论得到了细化和细化. 在年底, 我与来自企业业务和技术方面的各种行业领导者进行了交谈,发现了一些令人惊讶的趋势和挑战,这些趋势和挑战在过去一年中使流媒体成为许多组织的首选. 尽管许多预算被黑了, more future forward conversations 和 efforts were launched in the name of "ease of use,“可访问性, 和投资回报率.

Especially when dealing with external enterprise streaming efforts, 我们非常需要衡量成功. 为了做到这一点, 您不仅需要从每次网络广播中保留的指标,还需要在网络广播之前建立的明确目标. 2009 was the year in which enterprises awoke to both of these facts.

“2009年对企业视频来说是关键的一年,因为艰难的经济环境显示出了积极的一面, 在线视频可以对组织产生可衡量的影响,并且随着组织继续在基于流媒体的通信和培训上投入大量资金,也加强了流媒体应用程序的必备地位,迈克·纽曼说。, accorent Technologies首席执行官. “虽然我们在几个业务领域看到了增长, 增长最快的是现有客户, particularly those in the major enterprise verticals like financial services 和 technology, 他们之前要么已经完成了概念的证明,要么已经完成了有限的实现,并且正在积极地发展这些计划. Although the majority of our transactions derived from new customers, we more than doubled our revenue from existing customers [in] 2009. 如果有什么区别的话, 我相信这是一个客户达到或超过他们最初目标的例子,最初的成功是靠自己积累起来的."

在我看来,2009年的开始是缓慢而乏味的. A lot of comparison shopping led to very aggressive pricing from my competitors, 和 I had to reevaluate how I produce a webcast to fit it into even tighter budgetary qualifiers than usual, 同时仍然提供企业级服务.

I asked PowerStream CTO Paul Kromrei what he experienced over the last year, 参与许多销售和预制作电话. He explained that over the last year there was an increase in dem和, but products were stripped of "bells 和 whistles" due to budgetary concerns. 他看到了对发布定价和费率的需求,客户可以参考这些定价和费率,以便轻松相应地编排他们的网络广播. “去年,随着整体经济下滑, 这家企业希望获得更多的流量,支付更少的费用,Kromrei说. "Transparency 和 flexibility in pricing are no longer a bonus in the space; they’re prerequisites."

在过去十年中, I have worked with many enterprise organizations as they built out their streaming media efforts. I’ve found that when these organizations are presented with a concept as complex as streaming media, 然后被简化为IPTV," there is a moment when the option to scale 和 grow becomes impossible. The urge is to get it all in at once, 和 "just make it work" everywhere. That is very unrealistic 和 will send the IT group into shock.

更好的方法, 我曾经成功地使用过, is to start small 和 begin the education process 同时. Enterprise organizations have legacy (和 often old 和 underutilized) hardware in abundance. 团队领导只需要瞄准几台服务器(可能已经运行了Windows Server服务),为免费的Windows Media Server安装一些补充补丁,或者安装一个免费的Wowza演示,然后开始测试和记录流程. Pick one conference room in a largely populated conference center 和 set up an encoder, 即使你一开始只使用音频, 和 offer anyone who uses that room the option of a free webcast for up to 25 end users. 创建评估表格并获得反馈.

The enterprise is an organism; if you introduce something new that people respond well to, 它会传播和发展——只是不要购买单一的产品, 媒体播放器, 或编解码器! “如果企业致力于特定的技术或单独的交付基础设施,就无法高效或经济地实现(流媒体),Wowza首席执行官兼联合创始人大卫·斯图本沃尔说. “这就是为什么我们看到Wowza媒体平台在这个领域的接受度大幅上升——它的统一交付能力无疑引起了企业用户的共鸣."

“企业流媒体市场最令人吃惊的转变是消费者市场和企业市场的融合,WinterGreen 研究的尤斯蒂斯写道. “企业营销部门已经决定,他们可以利用社交网络和企业YouTube来介绍产品,并为营销工作获得知名度."

Of course, we use the term "YouTube for the Enterprise" loosely. Some companies such as IBM indeed use YouTube for br和 messaging. But when we look to the enterprise to offer YouTube-type experiences for internal communications, 我们看到了完全不同的东西. IT风险将加强安全控制, "Joe Employee" is not invited to post his vacation video on his personal page, 和, 当然, 其他员工不能留下视频回复. 仍然, 已经部署了由员工生成的内容系统,这些系统由各种业务线的指定管理员管理,并提供与该业务单元相关的视频“掘金”.

"We’re seeing the beginnings of consumer-focused consumption in the enterprise," says Stubenvoll. "Enterprises are waking up to the reality that in order to instruct, 教育, 并告知他们的员工和客户, they need to deliver content in whatever way their audiences want to consume it, 是电脑吗?, 移动设备, 或者有ip功能的电视."

Many enterprises have devised production controls 和 built out their infrastructures. “问题不再是创造内容, because this can be done with almost any camera-enabled device these days,杰伊·施瓦茨伯格说, 北美东部副总裁 & accorent Technologies的EMEA. "The problem is what to do with the content after it has been created. How does one organize, manage, search, secure, track, 和 report on how content is consumed? That’s the problem organizations will need to address in the near future."

The basic concept most enterprise organizations fail to acknowledge is that, 就像他们用于沟通或执行组织日常业务的任何文档或百家乐软件一样, 流媒体本身就是一种数字记录, 和 it is critical content that needs to be archived 和 kept relevant for future business efforts. 通过媒体资产,可以使全体员工会议的精神栩栩如生,或者向销售团队展示演讲者在向新客户介绍产品或服务时的活力, we have the essence 和 the spirit of that success to reflect 和 build on. It’s also where we can evaluate our flaws in brilliant color 和 sound with supporting materials, 反馈, 以及相关指标.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题