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Career Lessons from 小史蒂文


If you're a Bruce Springsteen fan or a 黑道家族》 fan, you've probably already read 无回报的一些,他的自传 小史蒂文——又名西尔维奥·但丁, 又名史蒂芬·范·赞特, aka Miami Steve (shown above with Bruce Springsteen in 2003). 这是一场狂欢, uproarious recounting of his half-charmed, half-cursed life from growing up in New Jersey and helping Springsteen realize his artistic identity, then leaving the E Street Band just before 出生在美国.S.A. to pursue his own musical 和政治 vision at the expense of his commercial viability, through his acting roles up to his current gig running two SiriusXM stations, 他自己的唱片公司, a foundation that brings rock 'n' roll education to schools.

一路走来, he takes credit for too many achievements to possibly count—or to be true, 就此而言, although he was indeed absolutely crucial in bringing down apartheid in South Africa with his Sun City project and clandestine negotiations with all of the major opposition parties. 我的岳父喜欢说, 上帝用歪歪扭扭的线条书写," and 小史蒂文's life progression has been crookeder than most. But his Forrest Gump-like fortune, along with a deeply analytical mind inside a guitar player's body, has found him in the middle—or at least behind the scenes—of more of pop culture's moments over the last 5 decades than you probably realize. 甚至更好的, the book is loaded with his lessons and wisdom on all manner of matters musical, 裁缝的, 和政治.

Now that streaming media is easing into its fourth decade, our industry boasts its own fair share of personalities who've always managed to be in the right place at the right time. It's not a matter of luck either. 人们喜欢 达西Lorincz, 拉尔夫·雅各布, 米歇尔·芒森 (to name a few) have always skated where the puck is going, to quote Wayne Gretzky. 流动的, 当然, but always in pursuit of not just the next big thing, 但下一个重要的事情是. As we head back into trade show season—in person this time—we'd all do well to seek out the folks who've been pushing our industry forward for the past few decades. And don't get too comfortable in one place.

Photo credit: Anthony Correia via Shutterstock

[Editor's note: This article originally appeared in the Nov/Dec 2021 issue of 流媒体 magazine under the title "I Don't Wanna Go 首页."

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