


教育视频技术领域似乎正在发生一种转变. 在这个变换的一边, the central challenges of educational video are basic 和 existential: How do I make it 和 where do I put it? On the other side are questions pitched through the wheelhouse of a professional teacher: How do I present the material in a way that captures the students’ interest 和 encourages them to think their way through the instructional video?

Start-ups 和 established vendors are cooking up clever solutions to enable interactivity with educational videos. It is helpful to categorize them in terms of those that are teacher-driven 和 those that are student-driven. Does this solution require a visionary teacher to painstakingly anticipate student needs while preparing a lesson around an instructional video? 那就称之为教师驱动. Does that solution require students to put themselves out there in the platform enough to drive that most powerful force in all schools—peer pressure? 如果是这样,它就是学习者驱动的.

One time-honored approach is to allow teachers to construct choose-your-own-adventure-style lectures. These provide students with branching paths through the material that depend on how they answer questions that the teacher posed within the lecture to probe for common misunderst和ings 和 to guide students through remedial materials they need to cover before they proceed. Two platforms are notable for taking that general lesson-construction idea 和 building a video experience that can support it: Eko贸易全神贯注的. Eko贸易是一个令人印象深刻的强大且免费使用的平台,可以使无限复杂, choose-your-own-adventure, interactive videos 和 for showcasing its stable of solid-quality entertainment programming using it. Eko贸易并不以教育为目标, however: Its primary income stream moving forward is rumored to be a partnership with Walmart to build an online video service to compete with Amazon 和 Netflix. 全神贯注的在功能上与之相似,其重要之处在于该公司是由 创作,一个在教育视频市场占有很大份额的托管平台.

在复杂程度上降低一步, 还有视频测验,为学生提供类似的体验, 但是没有任何分支逻辑. 不管他们怎么回答问题,每个人都看同样的视频, 尽管他们通常会从视频提问工具中得到一些反馈. Questions are typically used to prime students to be mindful of what comes next or to assess underst和ing of what came before the question. PlayPosit 和 Edpuzzle are two companies specializing in tools for adding in-video quizzes to YouTube or other videos. Many video hosting platforms used by schools natively support in-video quizzes, including 创作, MediaSite, 系综.

The trend in the learner-driven approach is to take cues from how students interact socially online 和 attempt to incorporate those behaviors into how students watch their instructional videos. 一个典型的例子是 弧媒体, 由infrastructure搭建的视频托管平台, Canvas学习管理系统(LMS)背后的公司. Arc implements interactive capabilities akin to Soundcloud 和 Facebook Live: Every video incorporates a time-based chatroom, 随着视频的进展,课堂上的讨论帖会弹出. Since Arc was designed by an LMS vendor, it was made with the needs of the classroom in mind. An example of a detail the company got right is in making it easy to cloister comments within each term that the video is used: A video including annotations 和 chatter from a previous years’ students would seem inauthentic 和 stale.

最后, there are the Snapchat-for-education platforms that leverage short videos to facilitate online video class discussions. 在这些方法中,老师用一个话题提示学生,学生用视频回应. 一个例子是 回顾由Swivl相机平台的制造商免费提供. Flipgrid is another such platform, also available for free since its acquisition by Microsoft. Both are useful in offering your students a chance to connect with you 和 the material closer to their terms 和 comfort zone.

我不知道哪一种方法更好. All classroom technology delivers the most benefits when both teachers 和 learners are deeply invested, 但取去这一个,这两个都要受苦. It is fortunate is that these specialized tools are now available for teachers to reach different types of students with video.

[本文发表于2018年10月号。 流媒体杂志 “把重点放在教与学上”."]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


当学生们读完高二的时候, they should know how much they have yet to learn about financial literacy 和 maybe even have a good idea of what they want to do in life. 这就是流媒体的用武之地:在线视频和书籍可以为富人提供服务, 专门的独立学习,任何社区有积极的学生.


The revolutionary change over the past 10 years has made production technologies accessible to teachers 和 even students. 四年前, 当然, almost everyone was forced to rely on educational video to keep schools asfunctional as possible. 今天, we can identify several use cases of teacher-produced educational video that are particularly effective.


在远程教育中, 360 video for its own sake--no matter how cool it is--rarely goes over well; what are the use cases where it really adds to the mission? DiscoverVideo's Rich Mavrogeanes 和 Ohio State's Scott Nelson discuss real-world use cases where 360 video delivers unique experiences that wouldn't otherwise be possible with elearning, 而在其他地方,它在流媒体东部2022年的这段视频中表现平平.


面对面还是虚拟? 不再是非此即彼了, schools 和 universities need to have clear strategies for delivering hybrid education to their students.


安全摄像头在学校的使用越来越多. Look for educational institutions 和 vendors to creatively squeeze value from fixed camera systems in schools by exp和ing the audience for the video footage while avoiding critical safety or privacy problems.


流直播低延迟. 协作编辑. 分发到多个平台. 分析数据以做出更好的选择. 以下是每个主播都需要了解的创新领袖.


视频学习系统正在学校中兴起, but teachers have so far lacked a way to bring that data into their learning management systems. 进入卡尺.


学校的版权保护措施与大众不同, 使流媒体教室更容易绕过访问控制.


今天的学生成长在一个没有冲突的回音室中,这是由点播娱乐创造的. 直播是一个可以表达不同意见的地方.


教育视频, 有些人选择4k拍摄,这样他们可以在后期变焦和增强, 但流媒体在移动友好的720p. 然而,现在还没有理由急于使用4K.


在教育机构中,直播和点播视频流有许多用途, 包括体育赛事, 是否已经, 音乐会, 辩论, 翻转课堂.
